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Wednesday 25 January 2017

Make Your Own Marbled Box DIY


A big trend at the moment is marble. I've designed a marbled wooden box tutorial which you can also create with a wooden box from your local craft store, some nail varnish and paint primer in about 30 minutes. I got the inspiration for my box from Oh Joy! Marble Bead Jewellery. I found the link when looking for crafts for my birthday party last Autumn . It does smell so please dip in a well ventilated space. The effect is immediate and so quick to create.

For this post I've partnered with Parcel Hero to support their online auction for Great Ormond Street Hospital. Parcel Hero are looking to raise £1500 for G.O.S.H. this Christmas, so please do give generously to the link below. Thank-you guy's for sending me the box to DIY and then gifting towards the appeal.

For this DIY, you will need-

- A wooden box with a close fasten clasp (for dipping and the lid staying on!)
- Duck tape
- Three matt nail varnishes
- One glitter nail varnish
- One skewer
- One plastic bowl to dip the box in
- Paint primer or matt undercoat
- Fine sandpaper

Take your box and give it a light sand, Then paint it and let it dry before giving it another coat. When the box is dry tape the edges up with masking or duck tape so they are water tight.

Then it's time to get ready for marbling. Take your plastic tub and fill it half full with tap water and place on a protected surface.

Then add your nail polish starting with the lightest one first. Add a few drops of each and then stir with your skewer. You have to be super quick as the varnish dries really quickly.

Hold the box around the taped sides and dip it. The varnish will stick to the primed painted surface and ta-da it's marbled!

I let the box dry before I peeled off the tape and painted the edged with glitter polish.

And leave to dry before closing.

And my box is finished. I really love this technique, it reminds me of marble inks at school.

For other bloggers creations check out the #PHWinterWorkshop  tag on social media. You can read more about the Parcel Hero support of G.O.S.H click  here .

Happy Crafting!


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