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Wednesday 18 November 2015

It's Been A While

Hello, yes it's been a while...

So three and a half years ago I started to blog here on my little corner of the web. Why? I was a new Mamma to my little girl and wanted to share my DIY's, crafts, parenting and mostly home inspired makes. I started in July 2012 and 'Create It Samantha' was born in January 2013 (originally called 'Create It Mummy').

And here we are the week I launched my blog, my beautiful Little L on her Christening day wearing my Christening gown (she looks so tiny) with bunting made from all the hanky's my late Gran gave me (and I have a lot). Looking back, I was so excited to be creating my blog and leaving behind my old job to devote time to my family.

Then in September 2014 as my little creative business grew and I was time hungry,'Create It Samanth'a started to get put to the side for quotes, invoicing and creativeness for my young business. I am sure I'm not the only one who has a blog that has suffered.

I've met some amazing people through blogging, meets ups and crafting and been lucky to work with some amazing brands. Back then I joined twitter chats, facebook groups and learnt a lot. My blog gave me the connection with other people just like me around the world.

I loved to share my makes and now my Littler L is a little bit bigger I have a stack of DIY's from my home, dressmaking creations and Mamma days that I want to share. Plus a fancy new camera I'm really itching to use.

I want to blog on so many aspects of my life. Like how I've sold two houses in less than 18 months in less than 10 days, how we are making over our home to be a space for our family, how I am sewing a new wardrobe for myself and Little L plus all the behind the scenes of life being the founder of a creative little business (that I can't believe is happening!).

I'm really looking forward to this chapter of our lives on my blog; creating a creative and happy life here in Derbyshire with my family.

Thank-you for reading these and I would love to hear your blogging journey,

Samantha x
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