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Monday 21 April 2014

Happy Hoppy Easter Holiday And A Spring Makeover

Ah! So that was Easter for us; Easter egg hunts, egg and spoon races and enough chicks and lamb petting to keep any toddler contented.

So whilst we clear the Easter eggs away, put the bonnets in store 'til next year and put the project books back on the shelf, I am looking forward to May and balancing time to blog, create and make. Does this sound familiar?

I feel my little old blog has been suffering a lack of love of late as my business venture grows and family life is getting demanding.

I still am creating my homemaking crafty projects but getting little time to blog about the projects I loved to make! All my creations end up as photo on my Instagram page.

So this week as I give my sewing room a good Spring clean, I am looking at giving a Spring Makeover to my blog.

Thank you for following, it means a lot that my posts are being read! Do let me know what you would like featured... more baking, sewing, family, home DIY?

Back with a new look soon,

Bye for now,,


Thursday 17 April 2014

Easy Easter Cake Toppers


Just dropping in whilst we get ready for Easter with some great cake toppers that are so easy to make!

I made these with my little L last week and they were so much fun…

We made two toppers, the first was smashed Easter eggs sprinkled on white chocolate and dusted with golden sugar. The second was these chunky rabbity moulds, again stuck on with white chocolate.

We took a batch to preschool and all the children loved them.


Currently I am laptop less so a bit of a blog break but check out my sister site

Sunday 6 April 2014

Let's Try...Handmade Chocolate Buttons

I loved the idea of making your own little chocolate shapes from moulds and when they are buttons ... well I am in heaven. How cute?

Baked By Me is a Nottingham based company owned by the lovely Iris. Like me, Iris loves baking and set up the company specialising in unique moulds a few years ago. So last week, Little L and I road tested the moulds to see if we could really get white chocolate 'button' buttons? If I could make these with a two year old's assistance I would be so happy.

We started off by using a good quality white chocolate which we melted on a low heat in the microwave for a few minutes. Then using a palette knife we poured in the chocolate and smoothed over the top to leave a clean finish. Pictures are WIP (work in progress). You don't have to work that fast as the chocolate stays liquid-y for quiet a while.

Once we were happy with the moulds we popped them in the fridge for a few hours. THEN.. the exciting bit! We snapped them out the mould and.... hooray they worked. So utterly simple and the finish was a pro finish - all glossy and smooooth.

We also used the letter mould to finish our decoration. Melted chocolate was poured into a bakers pipette (as the mould is smaller you need to get in the corners) and then smoothed over, popped in the fridge and hey snap, snap the letter just popped out.

It's so's child's play.

Great for Easter I'm thinking, I've seen some very lovely Easter bunny moulds...hmmm.


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